Reiki For Animals

Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a gentle Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation used to promote healing and a sense of well being. It addresses the whole being body, mind and spirit to help restore balance and harmony. It is non-invasive and can do no harm which makes it an excellent complement to both conventional and alternative approaches to your animal’s overall health.

Reiki is helpful for a wide range of issues from physical ailments to emotional insecurities to behavioral problems. It intuitively goes directly to where it is most needed and addresses the roots of the problems, not just the symptoms. Because of the gentleness of the technique, it is also a comforting approach to dealing with the transition at the end of an animal’s life. It fosters deep relaxation which allows the natural healing processes of the body, mind and spirit to function more effectively.

Reiki can be given through a hands-on approach or from any distance effectively. The process for each animal is as different as the animals themselves. Some enjoy the warmth of a hands-on session while others appreciate receiving the Reiki from across the room. Because Reiki uses universal energy, it can even be wonderfully beneficial from across the country. Distance does not limit its use or effectiveness.

I have found that animals are especially receptive to the healing benefits of Reiki. I offer it to my dogs every day for issues ranging from arthritis pain to emotional insecurity to self control to general support and everything in between. In addition to my own furry family, the critters who share our woods also benefit from the Reiki sessions. It’s no longer out of the ordinary for our wild friends to stop by for a Reiki boost.